Project 3:28 began from November 2013 when Helen Austin and Natalie Collins collated the number of male and female speakers at Christian conferences across the UK. This provided them with a snapshot into the gendered dynamic of these conferences and led to conversations across the UK about how to create a platform that reflects the diversity and experience of UK Christians. These conversations have led to some event organisers becoming more proactive in seeking a balanced platform. Also, from the conversations a project to continue and build on this work was established. Project 3:28 has now been developed to;

• Build a movement of women and men committed to challenging imbalance and promoting gender justice in language, action and culture.

• Develop a database of diverse, capable speakers.

• Collate and publicise the gender balance on the Christian platform.

• Provide Christian events and organisations with a theological, practical framework to achieve gender justice

• Share knowledge and educate in the area of gender justice.

This report will layout the statistics for male and female speakers on the national Christian platform for 2014 and compare this to the data available for 2013.

For further information about this report or Project 3:28 please contact [email protected]