We believe that horizons of hope are never fixed.
They always move beyond,
in the creativity of God.

We believe that powers of evil cannot kill God.
God walks on free
and leaps off our crosses
in the risen Jesus Christ.

We believe that the Spirit
can never be confined.
She dances forth in the world
and is found in surprising places,
leading us on until the end of time.

Dorothy McRae-McMahon,
from Liturgies for the Journey of Life

Prayer for the day
when we think only of our own wants and desires,
we are impatient
to have them satisfied;
yet in our hearts
we know that such satisfaction will crumble
to dust.
Give us that spirit of hope which can enable us
to want what you want,
and to wait patiently on your time
in the knowledge
that in you alone
is found true and lasting pleasure.

Mozarabic Sacramentary (3rd century)


Psalm 91
Points for Prayer
As we pray for a Church led by women and men together, we pray today for:
women who have been prepared by God to lead the Church of England as bishops
men and women who kept hope alive when the Church ignored or rejected their voices
our sisters and brothers in the Roman Catholic Church whose wait is long and arduous
protection from terror, pestilence and destruction for all who press on in hope at this time.

The WATCH Prayer

Gracious, loving Lord,
we look forward with hope and joyful anticipation
to the time when
men and women
can serve you,
and all people,
equally in every task
within your Church.
Thank you that every position held
and task done
is valued by you
and furthers
your mission on earth.
Thank you Lord
for hearing our prayer.