November 22nd, 2017

‘Transformations – Theology and Experience of Women’s Ministry’

Executive Summary Report


A day conference entitled ‘Transformations – Theology and Experience of Women’s Ministry’ was held at the invitation of Archbishop Rowan Williams at Lambeth Palace on 19th Sept 2011. The day was intended to allow the opportunity for honest reflection on the experience of 17 years of women’s ordained ministry and to celebrate all that this ministry has brought to the Church of England.

The conference was addressed by a number of speakers:  Dr Paula Gooder, Rev’d Lucy Winkett, Rev’d Professor Sarah Coakley, Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves (who gave the keynote address), Bishop Kay Goldsworthy and Archbishop Rowan. In the afternoon the conference split into discussion groups and fed back to plenary. The Archbishop closed the day with some concluding reflections.


This summary report seeks to signpost the key messages of the conference speakers , highlight the feed back to the House of Bishops from the group discussions  and draw out the themes that recur throughout the full report and make recommendations


You can read the full Executive Summary Report here