May 12th, 2019

The Ordained Vocations Mentor Directory is a resource for those who have been historically underrepresented in the Church of England, and are also on the journey towards ordination.  The Mentors come from a range of experiences and backgrounds but all have received mandatary training/briefing in order to be on the directory

Mentoring is nothing new in the Church. We have seen recently, during the celebrations marking 25 years of women being ordained as priests, that having a supportive, knowledgeable friend can make all the difference on the journey towards ordination.

In addition to mandatary training/briefing, those who are interested in being part of the Mentor Directory will receive an invitation to join the Mentor Network Chatroom.  The chatroom also has a learning portal where mentors can exchange good practice, book and article recommendations, and get peer advice.

The Ordained Vocations Mentor Directory is a great way for lay and ordained Anglican Christians to be part of supporting future clergy. Information about the directory can be found here: Information about how to be a mentor can be found here:

The Next training day will be 19th JUNE 10am – 4pm at the offices of the Manchester Diocese.