January 31st, 2015
God who loves and nurtures us,
Protects and defends us,
Frees us and calls us,
Your love for us shines like a flame
Which cannot be put out.
A candle is lit.
Your love ignites in us
The life-giving spark of your spirit,
Calling us to love and be loved.
All are invited to light a candle from the main candle, and hold it as we pray.
We hold before God those who have mothered us:
All who have nurtured us,
Cared for us,
Encouraged us,
Prayed for us.
We hold before God those whom we have mothered;
Those we have nurtured,
Cared for,
Prayed for.
Loving God, Mother of us all,
We thank you that all love flows from your limitless love,
Help us to know your love for us,
To show your love to others,
To shine with the light of your love,
Until the whole universe is transformed by love.