December 1st, 2017
You are invited to join in a day of prayer, meditation and fasting as General Synod debates the draft legislation and code of practice for women bishops.
On the morning of Wednesday 11th February, the General Synod will be giving first consideration to the draft proposals which will open the episcopate to women and which will also include arrangements for those who remain opposed to women’s priestly and Episcopal ministry in the Church of England.
The General Synod will have to decide whether or not to commend the draft proposals to the revision stage, where further work will need to be done. There are difficult decisions to make on the proposals for women bishops, and we wish to support members of General Synod and one another as we join with the wider church community to pray for God’s wisdom and guidance during this continuing process.
Whilst many of us look forward with eager longing and expectation to the day when women and men together will share in the Episcopal ministry in the Church of England, we acknowledge that some do not share in our confidence and joy. We do not seek to disregard or dismiss our differences and we trust that, through ongoing prayer, we may all receive healing of our hurt and pain and a renewed vision of God’s will for our Church, as together we seek new ways to express the unity to which Christ calls us.
We believe differences on women’s ordination and on other issues must not be allowed to obscure the faith we share: our utter dependence on and acceptance of God’s unconditional love, our interdependence as members of Christ’s body, and our calling to care for one another and the world in which we live. We remain committed to working with our sisters and brothers in Christ, regardless of our differences, to the glory of God and to the furtherance of the Kingdom.
The National WATCH Executive Committee