December 9th, 2022
Interview: The Rt Revd Christine Hardman
Bishop of Newcastle 2015-2021
interviewed by
Emily Howarth, ordinand (St Mellitus),
Secretary of Transformations Steering Group.
The Right Reverend Christine Hardman, Bishop of Newcastle 2015-2021.
“The church does feel like a different place now and it’s not about women’s rights, it’s about men and women being equally represented in the leadership of the church. We still have much work to do in the church, for example working in diversity in terms of ethnicity. There’s no place for us to sit back and be complacent.”
+Christine was made a Deaconess in 1984 and ordained Deacon in 1987. She then served in the diocese of St Albans, before her appointment as vicar of Holy Trinity and Christ the King, Stevenage in 1996.
She also worked as rural dean of Stevenage in 1999 and served as archdeacon of Lewisham and Greenwich in the Diocese of Southwark in 2001. Serving on General Synod from 1998, she was involved in the legislation enabling women to become bishops.