January 31st, 2015
We thank you God
For our mothers and fathers,
Grandparents and siblings,
Family, friends,
And all who care for us.
We pray for all who are without family, friends or anyone to care,
For those who feel like they are unloved;
May they know your infinite, compassionate love.
God of love,
Our refuge and strength,
Our hope and our peace,
Bring us close to you.
We thank you for good relationships,
For joy and happiness
And the gift of laughter.
We thank you for strong relationships
Which strengthen and support us
Through difficult times.
We ask your healing for relationships which have gone wrong;
We are sorry for the times we have hurt others;
Help us to forgive those who have hurt us.
God of love,
Our refuge and strength,
Our hope and our peace,
Bring us close to you.
We thank you, compassionate God,
For your love for us,
Greater and deeper than we can understand.
We thank you that we can rely on you,
And that whenever we turn back to you,
You receive us with open arms.
Help us to show your love to a needy world,
To love your children as you love us,
And to draw all people into your loving embrace.
God of love,
Our refuge and strength,
Our hope and our peace,
Bring us close to you.