January 31st, 2015

Loving God,
You call us to be part of your family,
You feed us and shelter us,
You write all our names on the palm of your hand;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer
For the loving parent,
The grandparents starting again,
The step-parent learning to love a child not their own;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For the struggling parent,
The mother at the end of her tether,
The father frightened of what it means to be a dad;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For the joyful child,
The child full of the wonder of the world,
The child bouncing and running with energy not yet crushed;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For the anxious child,
The one who is old before her time;
The child who does not know where his next meal is coming from;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For the fearful child,
The one who has cried too much and played too little,
The child who no longer believes it is safe to trust or love;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For the childless person
Whose arms ache with emptiness,
The one who yearns for what they cannot have;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For the single person
Who has chosen their own family,
The one who draws together strangers with bonds of love;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer

For all your children,
All your great creation,
Which longs for a completeness which is only found in you;
Mother of all
Hear our prayer