January 31st, 2015

Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show compassion for the child of her womb. Even these may forget yet I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:15

We pray with thanksgiving for all the mothers who do not forget –
Whose patient loving kindness sustains life and nurtures growth,
Whose children bring her joy and delight
And for all who have shown us such love.
Loving God hear our prayer 

We pray for strength for the mothers who do not forget
Despite limited resources
In places of fear and danger
Who make homes and provide hope in the harsh realities of the world
Loving God hear our prayer

We pray for courage for the mothers who do not forget
Yet live with the pain of grief for children they have lost
Who know the sorrow of fragmented relationships
Who could not or cannot keep their children safe from harm.
Loving God hear our prayer

We pray for those whose mothers seemed to forget
For children and adults neglected, abandoned or abused
For those of whom too much was expected and too little love shown
For all who need to know that you will not forget.
Loving God hear our prayer

We pray for each of us and those we care for
That we may trust in Your compassionate love,
For you do not forget.
You write all our names on the palms of your hand
And hold our needs in the depth of your heart.
You love us throughout the years of our life and promise never to forget.

Emma Percy