Women’s Ordination Worldwide will host a “Jubilee for Women Priests” from June 1st – 3rd in Rome
WATCH prays for those in the Roman Catholic church and WOW as they prepare for this event:
Throughout the Year of Mercy, the Vatican is hosting celebrations at St. Peter’s Basilica, and from June 1-3 Pope Francis will mark the “Jubilee for Priests.” To the Vatican this means one narrow demographic, painfully excluding many of God’s people. In response, women’s ordination advocates will host a “Jubilee for Women Priests,” which offers an opportunity to celebrate a renewed image of the priesthood – one that is inclusive and welcoming of all people. Our Jubilee comes as Pope Francis is calling for the Church to “see in the women’s movement the working of the Spirit for a clearer recognition of the dignity and rights of women.” (Amoris Laetitia)
Wednesday, 1 June 2016 – (La casa internazionale delle donne, Rome)
3-5 pm: “Open the Door to Dialogue,” a roundtable conversation and Q&A including:
• Rev. Dana English, Assistant Curate at All Saints’ Anglican Church in Rome
• Fr. Tony Flannery, an Irish Redemptorist priest censured by the Vatican and ordered to cease priestly ministry due to his support for the ordination of women
• Dr. Marinella Perroni, Italian feminist theologian
• The panel chair: Kate McElwee, Co-Executive Director of the Women’s Ordination Conference, WOW’s first member group with a permanent presence in Rome
5 -6 pm: WOW Signature Drinks Reception – Join us for cocktails and canapes as we celebrate our 20th anniversary
6- 8 pm: Women Priests Project: Photo exhibition & presentation by Giulia Bianchi. Her project explores the life and faith of Roman Catholic Women Priests, excommunicated for disobeying a canon law that says that only a male can be ordained a priest – www.womenpriestsproject.org
Friday, 3 June 2016 – (Piazza Pia, Rome)
8 am: Open Door Witness
WOW activists will hold a “purple stole” witness (the international symbol for women’s ordination) and offer a visual guide to opening the “Door to Dialogue.”
We will then walk the pilgrim’s path to St. Peter’s as the Jubilee Mass for Priests gets underway. Pope Francis has said, “this Jubilee Year of Mercy excludes no one”, so we will take our place in prayerful vigil in the square.