WATCH are delighted with the announcement of two female Archdeacons. On Sunday 19th June The Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Revd Christopher Chessun, announced that The Revd Canon Moira Astin will be the next Archdeacon of Reigate. Moira is currently Vicar of Frodingham and New Brumby in the Diocese of Lincoln. On Monday 4th July, the Bishop of Norwich announced that The Revd Canon Karen Hutchinson, currently Vicar of The Bourne and Tilford United Benefice in the Diocese of Guildford is to become Archdeacon of Norwich and Warden of Readers. WATCH congratulates Karen and Moira on their appointments.
Read more from the respective diocesan websites:
Moira Astin’s announcement HERE
Karen Hutchinson’s announcement HERE