WATCH supports the House of Bishops of the Church of England today welcoming eight women as participant observers to its meetings. The welcome follows the election of the eight senior women clergy from regions across the country. The House of Bishops is meeting in York from 9th-10th December.
Earlier on this year it was decided by the House of Bishops that until such time as there are six women sitting in the House as Bishops, a time that WATCH believes is long overdue and hopes will happen as soon as possible, a number of senior women clergy should be given the right to attend and speak at meetings of the House as participant observers.
Elections for the eight senior women clergy were held in autumn of this year and the following were elected, to take up their roles as of 1st December:
• East Midlands – Ven Christine Wilson, Archdeacon of Chesterfield
• West Midlands – Revd Preb. Dr Jane Tillier, Preb of Lichfield Cathedral
• East Anglia – Ven Annette Cooper, Archdeacon of Colchester
• South and Central – Ven Joanne Grenfell, Archdeacon of Portsdown
• South East region – Ven Rachel Treweek, Archdeacon of Hackney
• South West region – Ven Nicola Sullivan, Archdeacon of Wells
• North East Very Revd Vivienne Faull, Dean of York
• North West – The Rev Libby Lane, Dean of Women in Ministry, Chester Diocese
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