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Southwark Roadshow

Southwark Roadshow

What is this?

WATCH are looking to get a motion to Synod to agree an end date to the Declaration and Five Guiding Principles. We think one of the most effective ways to do this is to work with each diocese (those that are happy to work with WATCH) and get the same motion to Diocesan Synod's throughout the country to then get the motion to General Synod. 

And so, we're organising the WATCH Roadshow, starting with Southwark Diocese on Saturday 29th March, 2.30pm - 4.00pm at St John's Waterloo. During this time, we'll be thinking about and discussing a Southwark Diocese Strategy. 

We'd love as many representatives from Southwark there as possible to share what deanery's / people / etc, you think will be supportive of helping the motion get to Diocesan Synod.

So, if you are in Southwark Diocese, please stay after lunch for the Southwark Roadshow. Or if you can’t make the morning, come to the Roadshow in the afternoon. We’d love to know if you are coming, so please let Martine or Georgia know.

For more information on the Southwark Roadshow contact Martine Oborne at or Georgia Ashwell at

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