You are warmly invited to attend this year’s hybrid* AGM and programme. (*In person OR online.)
We are very much looking forward to welcoming in person Bishop Christine Hardman, former Bishop of Newcastle, who will be interviewed by Emily Howarth, ordinand.
The business meeting runs from 11.00 am-2.00 pm (incl. lunch) followed by the interview with Bishop Christine and a eucharist. For further information, please refer to the Schedule.
In addition to the regular business there is one RESOLUTION to be voted on, proposed by the committee. If you have any questions about the Resolution please send these in to the [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
This is a significant transition year because Emma Percy, Chair (2016-2022) is standing down along with long-standing committee members, Yvonne Clarke, Michèle Kitto, Michael Smith and Cath Williamson. Jenny Humphreys and Tracey Byrne stepped down earlier in the year.
There are 8 nominees for uncontested vacancies. In the morning, before casting your ballot, you will have the opportunity to greet and put questions to nominees.
Our annual get-togethers offer a mixture of encouragement and challenge as we think about what we have done, what was endured, what may be celebrated this past year, and what we are hoping and praying for.
Interview with
The Right Revd Christine Hardman, former Bishop of Newcastle
interviewed by
Emily Howarth, ordinand (St Mellitus College) and secretary to Transformations Steering Group.
The church does feel like a different place now and it’s not about women’s rights, it’s about men and women being equally represented in the leadership of the church. We still have much work to do in the church, for example working in diversity in terms of ethnicity. There’s no place for us to sit back and be complacent.
Bishop Christine was made a Deaconess in 1984 and ordained Deacon in 1987. She then served in the diocese of St Albans, before her appointment as vicar of Holy Trinity and Christ the King, Stevenage in 1996. She also worked as rural dean of Stevenage in 1999 and served as archdeacon of Lewisham and Greenwich in the Diocese of Southwark in 2001. Serving on General Synod from 1998, she was involved in the legislation enabling women to become bishops.
Appreciation of outgoing Chair, Emma Percy, and outgoing committee members.
Prayer Service with Commissioning of incoming Chair and committee.
Free to attend but you need to register by 6 October
Choose In-Person OR Online (not both)
Attending the AGM ONLINE with another WATCH member
If two or more members will be joining the AGM using a single device, only one of you will be able to cast their vote during the meeting. We would suggest that even if you are both members in the same room, you join using individual devices which will allow you to vote. You will have to join the meeting from the beginning to be able to do so.
If you do not have separate devices, then the additional participants will need to consider sending in a proxy form (to be received by 6th October) as they won’t be able to vote electronically on the day. If you have any questions about this, please email the Secretary at [email protected].
We are not able to accommodate last minute requests to switch registrations from in-person to online attendance, or vice versa.
This is because of technicalities related to holding a hybrid meeting during which there will be voting.
If you are attending online, you will receive an email ‘ticket’ and a further email, closer to the date, with the Zoom link.
A light lunch will be provided (donations welcome). If you have particular dietary needs or concerns, we suggest you bring your own food.
This is how the day looks…
10.30 am – In-PERSON Registration. Coffee/tea.
10.45 am – ONLINE login – Zoom
11.00 am – START AGM
1.00 pm – Lunch – 55 min
1.55 pm – Election Results followed by close of AGM
2.00 pm – Interview with Bishop Christine Hardman
3.15 pm – Prayer Service
4.00 pm – END