Following on from the success of the day for lay women in London earlier in the year, there’s a day for lay women only at Exeter Cathedral on Saturday 15th October 2016.
The Programme for the day will include: Shared Stories – a panel facilitated by Dr Susannah Cornwall, Advanced Research Fellow in Theology and Religion at the University of Exeter, and Director of EXCEPT (Exeter Centre for Ethics and Practical Theology). Susannah is the author of Theology and Sexuality, an SCM Core Text. She has done wide ranging work on gender and sexuality, including embodiment, sex and marriage, celibacy and virginity, same sex relationships, transgender and intersex, and queer theology.
Cost £25.00 (full price), £20.00 (WATCH member), £10 (concession) which includes lunch
To book your place please contact [email protected] or WATCH Office St John’s Church, Waterloo, London SE1 8TY
The closing date for bookings is Friday 30 September 2016.
A link to the flyer is HERE – please print this and publicise in your church.