January 31st, 2015

Opening Collect

Marvellous Mother, you have carried us since you birthed creation
And continually watch over our growing.
However heavy we become,
You never relinquish your load.
Though you weep when we wander,
You will not lock the door on our return,
Stay always close, we pray, through the love of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Short Preface to Eucharistic Prayer

We have seen the wonder of your love
Expressed and multiplied in creation
We have heard the powerful warnings spoken
By your prophets, when in the hardness of our hearts
And stubbornness of our wills
We would not take you by the hand.
We have read the story of your Son’s abiding in a human family
We rejoice in the full extent of Jesus’ love shown through his teaching
We remember his trial, his death by our sin and his rising by your power.
This is our story; this is your story; this is the world’s story.

Closing Collect

Tender Father, our blanket against the cold of sin,
You wrap us in the shawl of forgiveness when we tripand fall,
You rock us in your arms till our weeping ceases.
Though our thanks can never be sufficient,
We promise today to prove the teaching and sacrifice of your Son
Through our daily lives, and in the mothering of others.

Closing Collect

Maternal Father, in your Son your love is forever
Expressed and constantly multiplied,
And through your Spirit it is always available to share.
We thank you for your protective presence in our lives,
Through Jesus Christ our brother.

Judith Diamond